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Make multi-page apps feel like single-page applications.

“SPAUX” (/spoʊ/) is a lightweight JavaScript utility (2.26KB minified and gzipped) Its purpose is to help developers create multi-page applications that behave and feel like single-page applications single-page applications. The name SPAUX is a combination of "SPA" (Single Page Application) and "FAUX" (meaning fake).

With SPAUX.js, page transitions and form submissions become faster, and page sections can be broken down into components without requiring changes to the code you write. This approach enables you to develop modern web applications that transmit HTML instead of JSON over the network, while still being able to render templates on the server and work with any programming language.

Responses are cached for faster response times, browser history state is handled automatically, and page title are replaced as needed. The result is a web application that provides the speed and responsiveness of a traditional single-page application, without having to change your development process.


Start with creating an index.html file and include spaux.js with:

<!-- include spaux.js -->
<script src="//"></script>

That's it!

All same-domain links and form submissions will be handled by spaux.js. The default behaviour for links is to replace :root container, and for forms to replace the form's container (you can disable this behaviour by adding data-spaux-disable to the link or form).





Fetch & replace page content

Default behaviour. Replace :root with link’s destination content.

See in action ›

Fetch & replace content by container id

Replace #content‘s content with destination‘s #content’s content, or with entire content if #content is not found in destination.

See in action ›

Fetch & append content to container

Append #content‘s content with destination‘s #content’s content, or with entire content if #content is not found in destination.

See in action ›

CRUD operations

Perform CRUD operations with or without displaying the returned content.

See in action ›

Disable spaux.js

Instruct spaux.js to skip that link and use normal link behaviour.

See in action ›

Form submission

Submits form, replaces it content with response, and triggers a callback function.

See in action ›



SPAUX.js will trigger events on the window object when it starts and finishes fetching content. You can use these events to add custom behaviour to your site.away The event.detail contains the link element that was clicked, the url and the call method (get/post/put/patch/delete):

window.addEventListener('spaux:prefetch', (event) => {

window.addEventListener('spaux:postfetch', (event) => {


SPAUX.js is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License and available via GitHub.